Israel accused of using white phosphorus in Lebanon – Times of India


NEW DELHI: Accusations have surfaced alleging that Israel deployed white phosphorus munitions in southern Lebanon during its ongoing military operations. The accusations come from Lebanon’s caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati, who has claimed that Israel’s use of this highly controversial weapon has been part of the escalating conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.
“Israel’s use of white phosphorus in Lebanon is a clear violation of international law,” Mikati said, emphasizing the need for international intervention. White phosphorus is known for its severe effects, causing deep burns and injuries and sparking international outcry when used in civilian areas.
Human Rights Watch has also reported witnessing the use of white phosphorus by Israeli forces. “We have verified video footage showing multiple attacks in Gaza and Lebanon using white phosphorus,” said Lama Fakih, the Middle East and North Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “This is a violation of the laws of war and raises significant humanitarian concerns.”
The Israeli military has denied these allegations. They claim their operations adhere to international law and that their munitions are used only to illuminate targets or create smoke screens, rather than directly targeting civilians.
The conflict has seen an increase in hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, with numerous exchanges of fire across the Israel-Lebanon border. Both sides have sustained casualties, and fears are mounting that the situation could escalate into a full-blown war.
Hezbollah has vowed to retaliate strongly against any Israeli aggression. “We are prepared to defend Lebanon against any Israeli incursions and will respond forcefully to any attacks,” said a Hezbollah spokesperson. This escalation follows weeks of violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza, further complicating the region’s already volatile dynamics.
The international community has expressed deep concern over the potential use of white phosphorus. The United Nations and various human rights organizations have called for thorough investigations into these allegations and for all parties to exercise restraint to avoid further escalation.
Meanwhile, civilian populations on both sides of the border are bearing the brunt of the conflict. Many residents in southern Lebanon have been displaced due to the ongoing shelling and airstrikes. “We are living in constant fear,” said one Lebanese resident. “We just want peace and safety for our families.”
As the situation develops, calls for a ceasefire and diplomatic intervention are growing. The international community is urging both Israel and Hezbollah to step back from the brink of war and seek peaceful resolutions to their disputes.

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