Tag: World Health Organization


Grave concern: On wild-type poliovirus type-1 cases in Pakistan, Afghanistan

The ambitious goal of eradicating wild-type poliovirus type-1 (WPV1) by 2026 appears to have become tougher. WPV1, which is endemic only in Pakistan and Afghanistan, is showing signs of a resurgence since 2023. With Afghanistan and Pakistan reporting six WPV1 cases each in 2023 — there were two cases in Afghanistan and 20 cases in Pakistan in 2022 — the total incidence of type-1 cases in both countries in 2023 might appear to have nearly halved. But with six cases in Afghanistan and five cases in Pakistan already this year, there appears to be an uptick. If this continues, the total cases being reported from the two countries might be close to or even surpass the 2022 numbers. The concern about WPV1 is not limited to the number of cases in children. The circulation of the virus in the e...

Scientists warn of ‘most dangerous’ mpox strain causing miscarriages, child deaths – Times of India

Researchers have raised concerns about a new, deadlier strain of mpox that is causing miscarriages and killing children in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This strain, known as clade Ib, has the potential to spread to neighbouring countries, and researchers are urging all nations to prepare for its possible spread before it's too late.The clade Ib strain was detected among sex workers in the remote Congolese mining town of Kamituga in September 2022. Unlike previous outbreaks in the country, where people typically contracted the virus from infected animals, this strain was being transmitted through sexual contact between heterosexuals, according to a report from AFP. Testing revealed that it was a mutated variant of the original strain, and researchers consider it to be "undoubtedly t...