Tag: wildlife


UP govt approves project to revive Mala river and biodiversity | India News – Times of India

PILIBHIT: UP govt approved a project to revive the Mala River and its associated biodiversity within the core area of the Pilibhit Tiger Reserve (PTR) over a 25 km stretch on Friday.State principal chief conservator of forests (wildlife), Sanjay Shrivastav said, “the govt sanctioned Rs 5 crore for the project, which originally had an outlay of Rs 7.9 crore.The proposal, submitted by PTR divisional forest officer Manish Singh in May, highlighted the urgent need to address the drying river channel, degradation of aquatic habitats, invasive species infestation, and overall impact on flora and fauna.”The Mala River, a perennial lifeline of PTR, originates from the Surai forest range in Uttarakhand and flows 150 km, including a 25 km stretch through PTR, before meeting the Devha River.PTR DF...
Life Style

7 birds with the most amazing migratory journeys

The avian world is replete with remarkable migrators, each species undertaking a voyage that is a spectacle of endurance and navigation. These migratory journeys are critical for survival, driven by the search for food, breeding grounds, and hospitable climates. The birds listed here are champions of migration, their travels a celebration of the wonders of nature’s programming.Image: Canva!(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { function loadFBEvents(isFBCampaignActive) { if (!isFBCampaignActive) { return; } (function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function() { n.callMethod ? n.callMethod(...arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments); }; if (!f._fbq) f._fbq = n; n.push = n; n.loaded = !0; ...

Brazil’s Pantanal wetlands see record fires even before dry season – Times of India

RIO DE JANEIRO: Brazil's Pantanal, one of the world's largest tropical wetlands, is seeing record fires in June, even before the arrival of the dry season, satellite data showed Friday.The Brazilian Institute of Space Research (INPE) released data showing some 1,700 fires since the start of the month in a region teeming with one of the greatest concentrations of wildlife in South America.This is more than four times the previous record for fires in June, set almost two decades ago."This resurgence of fires in the Pantanal even before the dry season (which usually begins in the second half of the year) is extremely worrying," Claudio Angelo, a member of the Climate Observatory collective, told AFP.The worst year on record for the Pantanal, a region slightly bigger than England, was 2020,...

Heatwave in India: Over 100 killed this summer, 40k suffer from heatstroke | India News – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The extreme heat that India is witnessing has taken a toll on both humans and wildlife, with the health ministry reporting more than 40,000 suspected heatstroke cases and at least 110 confirmed deaths between March 1 and June 18.The country has been grappling with extreme weather conditions this summer, with a prolonged heatwave affecting large parts of the country and heavy rainfall causing floods in the northeast.The heatwave, which has been attributed to human-driven climate change, has resulted in temperatures soaring to nearly 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit) in north India, making it one of the longest heatwave spells on record.Birds have been falling from the skies due to the intense heat, and hospitals have seen an influx of heat-affected patients. Kartick ...