Tag: sun transit


Sun Transit in Cancer 2024: Its impact on all zodiac signs | – Times of India

Sun Transit in Cancer 2024: Sun is one of the most strongest planet in the Solar System. This represents power, strength, light, positivity and will power. Sun changes its position every month from one zodiac sign to another and just like that Sun transits to all zodiac signs whole year. In the month of July, Sun is going to change its position from Gemini to Cancer on July 16, 2024.Sun Transit in Cancer 2024: Date and TimeDate: July 16, 2024Time: 11:29 AMSun Transit in Cancer 2024: Its Impact on each zodiac signAriesNew professional opportunities are on the horizon. They would require to focus on networking and collaborating with colleagues. Financial gains are possible but be mindful of impulsive spending. You need to protect your energy and take risk in professional life. These peopl...

Sun Transit in Gemini 2024: Its impact on all zodiac signs – Times of India

Sun is considered as the soul in a human being and it has a special place in Solar System as we all know that without Sun, no one can imagine life on earth. Sun represents eyes, heart, bones and metabolism as per Vedic astrology and Sun is also considered as God so they worship him by chanting various Vedic mantras dedicated to him and offer water putting flowers and jaggery in that.Sun changes its position every month and transits in one zodiac sign for one month so it is going to transit in Gemini zodiac sign which is ruled by Mercury. Sun has changed its position and moved from Taurus to Gemini on June 15, 2024. This time Mercury is also transiting in its own house Gemini so there will be a good combination of Mercury and Sun which will form a Budh Aditya Yoga in Gemini. This will be...