Tag: relationships


Why narcissists are very attractive in the beginning | – Times of India

Narcissism presents a paradox in psychology, characterized by extremes in both positive and negative behaviors. According to W. Keith Campbell, interacting with narcissists is akin to indulging in chocolate cake—initially gratifying but ultimately detrimental. Narcissists exude charisma and self-confidence, making them appealing at first. Research by Mitja Back and colleagues identifies four traits contributing to this allure: attractiveness, competence, interpersonal warmth, and humor.These traits initially render narcissists more popular due to their expressive and dominant behaviors, which trigger positive evaluations.However, this initial charm fades as relationships progress. Campbell and Stacy Campbell's model of narcissism divides interactions into the "emerging zone" (initial, s...

Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, July 8, 2024: Crucial milestones in relationships and business await – Times of India

Capricorn, today is marked by significant personal milestones and opportunities for growth in relationships and business. Those who are unmarried may receive marriage proposals or have the chance to strengthen bonds with loved ones. This is also an excellent day for forging new business partnerships.Love and Relationship:For those in relationships, today brings you closer to your partner, enhancing emotional intimacy and mutual understanding.Unmarried couples might find today particularly special as opportunities for deeper commitment or engagement present themselves. If you're single, be open to new interactions as significant connections are highly likely.Education and Career:On the career front, new partnerships or collaborations could be on the horizon, offering fresh ventures and p...

Sagittarius, Daily Horoscope Today, July 8, 2024: Communication is key in relationships – Times of India

Sagittarius, today you might find yourself feeling slightly down or facing unexpected challenges. It’s a day to be cautious, particularly in your actions and communications. However, facing these hurdles with a positive mindset can turn challenges into learning opportunities.Love and Relationship:In relationships, today may present some friction. It's important to approach disagreements with calm and understanding.For those in a relationship, open communication is key to overcoming misunderstandings. Singles should focus on maintaining their self-esteem and not let minor setbacks affect their confidence.Education and Career:Career and education may present some difficulties today. It’s crucial to stay focused and avoid distractions. Persistence is your best ally. For students, concentra...

Libra, Daily Horoscope Today, July 8, 2024: Enjoy a day of respect and success – Times of India

Libra, today stands out as one of the best days of the week for you. The stars align to bring you honor and respect in your social and professional circles. Your presence will command attention, and your actions will likely lead to significant outcomes that further your ambitions.Love and Relationship:In your romantic relationships, this day brings clarity and joy. For those already in partnerships, expect a day filled with mutual understanding and shared happiness.For singles, your increased social visibility could very well attract a meaningful connection. Engage openly in social activities, as your charm is particularly potent today.Education and Career:Career-wise, today is a day of progress. Businesspersons will find that they can secure orders or contracts more effortlessly than u...

Cancer, Daily Horoscope Today, July 8, 2024: Financial gains from family businesses may occur – Times of India

Today marks a joyous occasion in your life, Cancer. The stars predict celebration within your family circle or perhaps an engaging social event that uplifts your spirits. This festive atmosphere brings a sense of fulfillment and happiness, making it a memorable day for social interactions and family bonding.Love and Relationship:Your eloquence and charm are at their peak, enhancing your interactions with loved ones and winning admiration.It’s a great day to express your feelings and commitments in your romantic relationships. For those who are single, your charismatic speech could attract new romantic interests, especially in social gatherings.Education and Career:Students will find today rewarding as they achieve positive outcomes in their studies due to their dedication and hard work....

Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, July 7, 2024: New partnerships and a romantic atmosphere boost personal connections – Times of India

Capricorn, today holds the promise of strong support from your spouse or a close partner, enhancing both your personal and professional life. Your innate leadership and organizational skills will shine, allowing you to handle complex tasks with ease. The romantic atmosphere surrounding you today can invigorate your personal connections and bring joy to your day.Love and RelationshipsYour relationships are highlighted today, especially your interactions with your spouse, who will offer substantial support and understanding.This support is not just emotional but practical, helping you navigate through any challenges that arise. For singles, this day brings a heightened charm that might attract new love interests or deepen existing attractions.Education and CareerIn terms of your career, o...

Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, July 6, 2024: Day to proceed with caution – Times of India

Capricorn, today you may find yourself navigating a complex emotional landscape, as health and hidden adversities challenge your usual steadiness. It's a day to proceed with caution, maintaining a low profile and focusing on long-term goals rather than immediate gains. Utilize your innate practicality to steer through potential pitfalls.Love and RelationshipYour relationships may require extra attention today.Be open and transparent with your loved ones to prevent misunderstandings. Avoid heated discussions and make an effort to understand different perspectives. For those in romantic relationships, ensure communication channels are open, as this will be crucial in maintaining harmony.Education and CareerIn academic and career pursuits, this is a critical time for strategic planning. If...

Scorpio, Daily Horoscope Today, July 6, 2024: Focus on maintaining relationships with care – Times of India

Scorpio, today you may find yourself grappling with deeper emotions, as challenges arise that test your resolve and emotional depth. Your ability to confront and transform through these experiences will be key. Driving and intense focus should be approached with caution to avoid unnecessary risks.Love and RelationshipRelationship dynamics might be strained today, with potential disagreements or differences in opinion surfacing.It’s crucial to control your intensity and choose your words carefully to avoid conflicts that could escalate. On a positive note, these challenges can lead to stronger bonds if handled with care and emotional intelligence.Education and CareerCareer-wise, it’s a day to stay low-key and avoid making major decisions or changes. For students, it's important to mainta...

Gemini, Daily Horoscope Today, July 6, 2024: Partner support increases – Times of India

Gemini, a festive spirit permeates the air around you, sparking joy and encouraging social interaction. Your ability to charm and engage others will be heightened, making this an excellent day for networking and socializing. While you may opt to skip shopping or mundane tasks, the focus will instead be on nurturing relationships and enjoying the comforts of home.Love and RelationshipYour familial relationships are highlighted today, bringing a sense of fulfillment and happiness. For those in relationships, your partner may lean on you for support in domestic matters, strengthening your bond. Your eloquent way with words will keep the romantic spark alive, especially in long-standing relationships.Education and CareerEducational pursuits are favored, particularly for those involved in hi...

Pisces, Daily Horoscope Today, July 5, 2024: Professionals have a productive workday – Times of India

Pisces, July 5th, 2024, is a day to leave behind tensions and embrace a joyful time with family and friends. You'll likely participate in social gatherings or family functions, which will lift your spirits and provide a sense of community. Financially, this is a good day to focus on savings and consider purchasing significant items like a vehicle. Your relationships, especially with your mother, will be positive and supportive.Love and Relationship:Today, your relationships will be harmonious and fulfilling. If you're in a relationship, spend quality time with your partner and family, strengthening your emotional bonds. Your relationship with your mother will be particularly positive, offering mutual support and understanding. If you're single, social gatherings could provide opportunit...

Leo, Daily Horoscope Today, July 5, 2024: Postpone long journeys – Times of India

Leo, July 5th, 2024, brings a balanced day where your income will likely match your expenditures. This equilibrium can provide a sense of financial stability. Your love life shows signs of improvement, and your relationships with loved ones are likely to be more harmonious. However, any plans for long journeys might need to be postponed, so consider local activities instead.Love and Relationship:Your love life is set to improve today, with a greater sense of harmony and understanding between you and your partner.This is a good day to spend quality time together and strengthen your bond. For singles, new romantic prospects might emerge, so keep an open mind and heart. Communicating openly and honestly with your loved ones will foster deeper connections.Education and Career:For students, ...

Gemini, Daily Horoscope Today, July 2, 2024: Adaptability crucial for business travel – Times of India

This day may start off with some challenges, Gemini, particularly in maintaining your usual level of confidence. However, the support of close friends and family will be crucial in helping you navigate any difficulties. Embrace their advice and support, as it could be instrumental in overcoming any obstacles.Love and RelationshipsRelationships may require extra attention today.Be mindful of your words and actions, as sensitivity and understanding will be necessary to maintain harmony. If you’re in a committed relationship, focus on listening and empathy to strengthen your bond.CareerYour professional life may present some challenges, especially if business travel is involved. Stay adaptable and prepare for potential setbacks by having contingency plans. Your ability to think quickly wil...

Virgo, Daily Horoscope Today, July 1, 2024: Be prudent with your finances – Times of India

Be wise about money and do not spend more than you earn. It is time to take a practical look at your budget, savings, and investments. Do not spend money on a whim; try to think about the future and how that purchase will affect it. In addition, this transit encourages you to question your worth and what you consider important in your life. Be conservative when it comes to finances, and do not take any risks unless it is necessary. Virgo Love Horoscope TodayToday, Virgo, in love affairs, the stars advise moderation. Dating advice for singles is not to rush into commitments and allow the relationships to develop at their own pace. Concentrate on developing relationships that are based on values and concerns. Try to find someone who will be glad to have a partner who is so organised and p...

Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, June 30, 2024: Prioritize emotional safety – Times of India

Today, accept stability and security as values that should be followed to find power in your foundations while striving for success. Do not be hasty in making decisions; rather, go with your gut and the lessons learned in the past. Thus, by developing the inner resources and providing a positive home environment, you pave the way to success in the future.The emphasis should be placed on developing emotional safety and relationships with the people around you.Capricorn Love Horoscope TodayToday, Capricorn, in matters of the heart, the Moon asks you to focus on the connection and grounding. People looking for a partner must work on trusting the other person. Search for someone who appreciates loyalty and knows the meaning of family ties. Loyal Capricorns work on the relationship and ensur...

Virgo, Daily Horoscope Today, June 30, 2024: Look inward with a pragmatic attitude – Times of India

Today, look inward and also venture into the less illuminated regions. It is a period of revelation that can relate to oneself, relationships, or even business. The important message for you today is to approach this period of self-reflection with a pragmatic attitude. You should also employ critical thinking to look beyond what is obvious and determine what else may require your intervention.Virgo Love Horoscope TodayIf you are single, then it is better to focus on the relations that are deeper and more meaningful rather than based on physical attraction. Seek someone who appreciates closeness and genuine relationships as much as you do. This is a time to go with your gut and take the time to research potential partners’ motives. Today is a good day for those in a relationship to work ...

Three zodiac signs whose relationships experience significant change in July 2024 – Times of India

TaurusTo begin, if you are a Taurus, your relationships may have already been up in the air. During this period, relationships can change quickly and without warning. This usually refers to personal relationships, but it can also be work relationships, friendships, or any other kind of partnership. Sometimes you or someone else can change their mind quickly and it may seem sudden and out of the blue.It's important not to move quickly or without thinking, because some things can't be taken back once they're done. If you are a woman, this means that your relationships with guys will change. If you're a man, this transition could mean changes at work, in business, or a relationship with another person. It can drive you to reach your goals, but in your rush to the top, it can also make you ...

Five zodiac signs whose relationships overcome obstacles in July 2024 – Times of India

Aquarius There has been a lot going through your head as of late, Aquarius, and even though you have made an effort to communicate with your partner, you have not felt as though you have been able to convey what you are trying to say. In your partnership, you are looking for a more profound level of clarity, not only regarding the future, but also regarding specific concerns that have come to feel as though they bear a tremendous deal of weight in your connection.The more you put off telling your partner what's been bothering you, the farther apart you will feel.Allow yourself to have a direct and honest talk with them instead of just standing back and watching what they do. That is the only way to finally put these problems behind you.Capricorn You wouldn't say that things are bad in y...

Aquarius, Daily Horoscope Today, June 25, 2024: Take control of your health – Times of India

Take care of your relationships and invest time in them. Today is a chance to deepen the existing connections and create new ones. Listen to what people are saying and clarify what you want to convey. Accept cooperation and collaborate with others because sometimes working in a team in different aspects of life can be effective. If there are any conflicts in your relationships, this is the opportunity to resolve them with tact and patience.Aquarius Love Horoscope TodayThis is a good time for singles to seek new romantic relationships since there are no restrictions. Be ready for an open-ended situation, and do not be surprised when you meet someone. Do not be afraid to be surprised, and let yourself be intrigued by someone you might not have planned on getting to know. Today’s energy is...

Pisces, Daily Horoscope Today, June 23, 2024: Explore creativity and fearless expression – Times of India

It is a time to be creative and to look at the world in a different light. Do not allow any fear or feeling of restraint to limit your creativity. Participate in activities that make you happy and let out your feelings. If you are single, be ready to embrace new opportunities in the realm of relationships. Show your innovative self and enjoy love in every aspect of your life.Believe in the universe and follow your heart to find satisfying experiences and people.Pisces Love Horoscope TodaySingle Pisces may be attracted to people with creative professions who inspire them. Take the chance to make new acquaintances, and do not mind if the meeting is accidental. Your instinct will lead you to a person who is your soulmate or at least the one you are destined to be with. If you are in a rela...

Capricorn, Daily Horoscope Today, June 23, 2024: Assess financial opportunities – Times of India

Today is a day of high emotional involvement and improved interpersonal communication with loved ones. Invest more time maintaining those relationships because they will make you happy and support you. It is also important to clear any misconceptions or disagreements that may have occurred in the previous interactions. Also, you must take care of yourself before you can care for others.Consider how you can make changes to ensure your needs are met.Capricorn Love Horoscope TodayThe Moon makes you receptive to new relationships and experiences if you are single. It is not bad to go out and get involved with other people and be genuine. From attending social functions, using social dating sites, or even meeting new people and engaging them in conversation, use these to find opportunities. ...

Venus and the 7th house: The cosmic mirror of your relationships – Times of India

The 7th house, or the House of Balance, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love.That’s a huge giveaway already, but to make things simpler: the 7th house is the one that governs our relationships and partners. What is important to understand about this house is that it acts like a cosmic mirror that tells us how we approach interpersonal relationships. This could mean the dynamic between lovers or between friends.To put it simply, it shows you about others, or how you relate to others, and it’s got a few tenets to it:1.It reflects the difference in romantic partnerships. It shapes your dynamic, how your partner might call to you, and how you might respond—the times you spend together that you may like, all the qualities the other possess that make them unforgettable to you.2.It also exami...

Pisces, Daily Horoscope Today, June 22, 2024: Be a team player – Times of India

Today, nurture friendships and seek friends who share the same goals and principles as you do. It is a good opportunity to work with people on something that can be regarded as a mission or to join a company with the same vision. Your qualities will make you a great team member; therefore, do not hesitate to extend a helping hand to your fellow team members.If you have not been in touch with your friends and family, it is time to ensure you do so.Pisces Love Horoscope TodayIf you are single, this is the right time to seek ways of establishing a relationship with someone you might be acquainted with. It is also good to attend social events or functions to meet new people and make friends who share the same principles as you. However, if you are already in a committed relationship, the em...

Aquarius, Daily Horoscope Today, June 22, 2024: Unlock the unknown and discover your true self – Times of India

Today’s planetary alignment prompts you to search for answers to the unknown. You may have a sudden desire to lock yourself up and take some time off to think about things that have happened to you and discover more about yourself. Don’t be afraid of this period of solitude, and use it to discover yourself. It is also good to let go of any stress or negative energy you may have been harbouring in your system.Forgive yourself and others, and try not to hold grudges in your heart. Aquarius Love Horoscope TodayToday, Aquarius, the cosmic energies invite you to concentrate on developing profound bonds in your relationships. This is the perfect opportunity for single people to get out of their comfort zone and start new relationships. It might be useful to go to places or join organisations ...

Gemini, Daily Horoscope Today, June 21, 2024: Relationships and finance take center stage – Times of India

Today is a day of transformation in your feelings. This conjunction urges you to explore your inner feelings and discover something hidden. Further, your relationships and financial matters can be under the spotlight. You may feel that you are more aware of the emotions and needs of your partner or other people with whom you do business, which can result in improved communication and collaboration.This is a good time to discuss money-related issues or plan the details of a business venture because your intuition is keen, and you can grasp the situation.Gemini Love Horoscope TodayToday, Gemini, the position of the Moon, will help you to fill your relationships with passion and energy. You might develop a better understanding of your partner’s needs and desires, thus increasing the intima...

Taurus, Daily Horoscope Today, June 20, 2024: Seek genuine love and intimacy – Times of India

You will likely be receptive today and pick up energy and subtle signals in your environment. This is the period of focusing on the essence of oneself and the surrounding reality. It is a time of letting go of things that are not beneficial or have outlived their utility. This position encourages you to accept change and the accompanying uncertainty as you move through the stages of transition.Taurus Love Horoscope TodayToday, your current relationships are going to deepen.Some people may want to know their partners better and take the relationship to another level beyond just being friends. This is the best time to be as open as possible and to tell the person everything you feel and want and things that worry you. Singles may have a feeling of attraction to a person they find to be in...