Tag: physical activity

Life Style

Walking Benefits : 10-minute walking routine to improve heart health | – Times of India

Here is some surprising news! Just ten minutes of walking each day can help in improving our heart health. Studies have shown that even short bursts of physical activity can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and boost overall well-being. This routine combines short walks with simple exercises to maximise heart health benefits.The benefits of walking for just 10 minuteStepping out for just ten minutes of walking each day can offer numerous health advantages.According to the American Heart Association, short periods of physical activity can lower blood pressure, improve circulation, and reduce the risk of heart disease. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that even short, moderate-intensity exercises can decrease the risk of cardiovascular ...
Life Style

Right Way Walking Benefits: How to walk the right way to lose weight and get added benefits | – Times of India

Walking your way to a better healthIf you want to lose weight without much effort, you can do so. Yes, it’s possible to stave off the stubborn fat and bulges by just ditching fancy diets and hard workouts. The secret to weight loss in today’s highly stressful times is -Walking. Besides being good for the overall health, just taking a walk at any time of the day can fight off diseases related to heart, blood pressure and diabetes etc.These facts have been echoed in a recent study that highlights weight loss and physical activity dropped the risk of heart attacks by over 60% for people with type 2 diabetes. What’s even better is that walking also maintains a healthy mind-body balance and ensures that you remain upbeat and positive throughout the day. Walking the right way to lose weightAc...
Life Style

Sadhguru Healthy Life Tips: How to live a long and healthy life according to Sadhguru | – Times of India

Everyone wishes to live a long and healthy life, and the wisdom of Sadhguru, a spiritual leader, offers an all-round approach that includes physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Taking advice from his teachings, we can gather some practical tips to enhance longevity and overall health. Here are 6 of his teachings to borrow for a long and healthy life ahead. Nurture your body with natural foodsSadhguru focuses on the importance of consuming natural, unprocessed foods. He says that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds turns out to be helpful. According to him, these foods provide essential nutrients that are important for maintaining good health and preventing diseases. He often highlights the benefits of including fresh fruits in the diet, stating that t...
Life Style

Surya Namaskar Benefits: 7 reasons why you must practice Surya Namaskar daily | – Times of India

Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, is a sequence of yoga postures that pays homage to the sun. Practicing Surya Namaskar daily can offer a multitude of benefits for the body, mind, and spirit. This ancient practice, deeply rooted in traditional yoga, involves a series of 12 powerful poses performed in a specific sequence. Youngsters these days prefer going to the gym for overall fitness, however, a few reps of Surya Namaskar can give a desirable fitness outcome as well.While both are beneficial, Surya Namaskar integrates physical and mental wellness, whereas gym workouts emphasize physical fitness and strength.Here are a few compelling reasons to make Surya Namaskar a daily practice:Comprehensive physical workoutSurya Namaskar provides a full-body workout that engages multiple muscle gr...
Life Style

5 low impact workouts for weight loss and belly fat burn – Times of India

For those looking to lose weight and burn belly fat, low-impact exercises provide a mild but effective substitute for high-intensity exercises. These activities raise the heart rate and maintain it there for an extended amount of time, such as swimming, elliptical training, or brisk walking, which results in a calorie deficit. Because the body expends more energy than it takes in, weight loss results.The metabolism, or the rate at which the body burns calories for different purposes, is also accelerated by low-impact exercise. Frequent low-impact exercise can have a small afterburn effect, which enables the body to burn calories at a somewhat increased rate even after exercise has stopped. This promotes increased calorie burning throughout the day, which aids in weight loss.Bodyweight e...