Tag: mercury


Personality Test: Are you Virgo? What Your Virgo Zodiac Sign Says About You – Times of India

Virgos are ruled by Mercury and this planet is known as Prince among all other planets. This planet represents communication, intellect, and speaking skills. Their communication skills are good and these people are intelligent. So, let's explore more about Virgo zodiac people:What is Virgo Season?Virgo season starts from August 23 to September 22What Virgo people love to do?1.They love to help others.2. They like cleanliness a lot.3. They also love reading. 4. They love to spend time in nature.5. They love to have a meaningful discussion. Personality Traits of Virgo Zodiac PeopleVirgos are known for their honesty and integrity. They are straightforward and truthful in all their dealings, earning them a reputation for reliability and trustworthiness. Their attention to detail and deep se...

Mercury Transit Ardra Nakshatra: Avoid Making Drastic Changes – Times of India

On the 18th of June, 2024, the planet Mercury will shift its position into the Ardra Nakshatra at 12:12 AM. This astrological event is of great relevance. The Ardra Nakshatra occupies a special and powerful place represented by a single tear and is intimately connected to Lord Shiva.Whenever Mercury, the planet of intelligence, communication, and rationality, shifts its Nakshatra, it is said to have a profound effect on all aspects of life.The Ardra Nakshatra is under the influence of Rahu, a mathematical node shrouded in mystery that is capable of both causing problems and inspiring change and evolution.When Mercury travels through the Ardra Nakshatra, it is crucial to be alert and avoid making hasty decisions or getting carried away by anger or aggression. Clarity and reasoning will b...

Mercury’s Transit in Gemini 2024: New opportunities for learning and growth – Times of India

On 14th June 2024 at 11:09 PM, the planet Mercury will transit to the Gemini zodiac sign. Mercury is the planet that oversees our intelligence, speech, reasoning and analytical skills. Gemini is an air sign that is represented by the symbol of twins. When Mercury's energies are combined with Gemini's curiosity and rationality, the outcome can be positive in many spheres of life.General AdviceWhen Mercury is in Gemini, it is generally favourable to work with the energies of Gemini, such as curiosity, learning and communication.Your mind may also be more active and curious, which will be a great advantage when it comes to learning. Use this boost to do things you love, learn new things or acquire new skills. This is the best time to learn and study, read, write, speak, analyse, and take u...

Zodiac Sign: Mercury’s Transit in Gemini 2024: How This Energy Will Transform Your Zodiac Sign | – Times of India

On 14th June 2024, Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and travel, moves to Gemini, the sign it belongs to. This transit is important as Mercury increases mental flexibility, curiosity, and communication abilities. Let us look at how Mercury in Gemini will benefit each zodiac sign.AriesThis is a good time to learn and improve one’s communication skills.Arians may become more eloquent and able to convince others, which is good news for their work, especially if it is connected with speaking in public, writing, or negotiations. This is a good period to register for classes, participate in seminars, or begin a new course to help gain new knowledge and improve their abilities. This time will be characterised by a more intuitive and faster decision-making process for Aries. They...

Mercury Transit in Gemini 2024: Its impact on all zodiac signs – Times of India

Mercury is one of the soft planet among other nine planets. This planet is considered as the neutral planet. Mercury plays an important role in Vedic Astrology. This is the planet of communication, speaking skills, intellectual activities and knowledge. Now, as Mercury is moving from Taurus to Gemini on June 14, 2024. Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs are Mercury's own house and now it is going to transit in Gemini for almost a month. Mercury Transit in Gemini 2024: Date and TimeDate - June 14, 2024,Time - 11:09 PMLet's explore its impact on each zodiac sign:AriesMake the most of this time to network and exchange ideas. It's a fantastic time to come up with ideas and start new ventures. Your elders will notice that you provide a professional image that reflects your diligence and hard work....

Gemini, Horoscope Today, June 11, 2024: Embrace the day with the intention to learn, interact, and innovate – Times of India

Today, Gemini, the universe beckons you to engage your intellectual curiosity. With Mercury enhancing your mental acuity, you are in prime form to absorb new information and explore various subjects. It’s a fantastic day for problem-solving and brainstorming, especially in collaborative settings where your ideas can spark others and vice versa.On the romantic front, today's planetary alignment suggests playful interactions.If you are in a relationship, injecting some lighthearted fun into your day could strengthen your bond. Plan a surprise for your partner or engage in an activity you both enjoy but haven't done in a while. For singles, your charm and wit are particularly sharp today, making it an excellent time to meet new people. Your ability to communicate effectively will likely ...

Mercury in Mrigashirsha 2024: What it Means for Your Communication Style – Times of India

Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, is set to enter the Mrigashirsha Nakshatra on June 11th, 2024, at 10:17 PM. This event is likely to cause changes in the lives of people of all the zodiac signs. Therefore, one can be prepared if one knows the challenges and opportunities Mercury’s transit brings. Let us find out.AriesDuring this period, you may be unable to express yourself well, leading to conflicts at the workplace or in your relationships.It is also important to choose the words and how they are said to avoid provoking an argument. Regarding career, there may be some issues with choosing a career path, or there can be some problems at work. It is important to be patient and wait for the right moment to act and gather all the necessary information. It is good to tak...

Mercury in Mrigashirsha 2024: Talk the Talk, But Plan the Walk – Times of India

On June 11, 2024, at 10:17 PM, Mercury, the planet of speech and communication, will transit into the Mrigashirsha Nakshatra, which is related to speech, writing, and analysis. This alignment fosters reason and speech, which makes it suitable for accomplishing tasks that involve reasoning and communication. However, one must be cautious and not be overconfident or act without prior planning.Employment ProspectsThis period is replete with opportunities for those actively looking for a job.Mercury can assist in making the negotiations less complicated, making the right decisions, and speaking fluently during interviews or crucial meetings. This transit may open new avenues or may provide a direction to grow. The opportunities may include chances to be promoted or even chances to be reward...

Mercury Enters Rohini Nakshatra 2024: Unlock The Hidden Mysteries – Times of India

On June 5, 2024, at 3:28 PM, the planet Mercury will move into the Rohini nakshatra. According to the Vedic astrological calendar, this astrological event is of great importance.In our ancient Vedic system, nakshatras are the lunar mansions or constellations through which planets transit. Rohini is the name of the constellation, depicted by a wheeled chariot.The deity ruling this constellation is Brahma, who is known as the creator. It is ruled by Moon. When Mercury, the deity of communication, mind, and commerce, moves to this constellation, it is believed to be favourable for education, business, and public speaking.General AdviceMercury will transit Rohini from June 5th to 18th, 2024, so it is a good time to start new studies, business, or public relations. Participation in seminars,...

Cosmic Clash: Jupiter and Mercury Go Head-to-Head on June 4 – Times of India

On June 4th, 2024, from 2:33 AM to 5:20 AM, two key planets, Jupiter and Mercury, will be locked in deep conjunction in the sign of Taurus. In astrology, this occurrence is also known as a stage of Planetary War. The Jupiter-Mercury war is caused by the opposing nature of these two planets. While Jupiter bestows wisdom, luck, growth, and spirituality, Mercury is fast-moving and constantly changing.Their coming together results in an explosive cosmic struggle between vast generosity and constant turbulence.This volatile clash may cause confusion, conflicts, delays and miscommunications in our lives if we are not warned and careful during this period. Let us explore how this conjunction will impact our lives.Impact on CareerOn the positive side, Jupiter can bring in the right people at th...