Tag: Heatwaves


It’s too hot! Deadly heatwaves scorch cities on 4 continents – Times of India

Deadly heatwaves are scorching cities on four continents as the Northern Hemisphere marks the first day of summer, a sign that climate change may again help to fuel record-breaking heat that could surpass last summer as the warmest in 2,000 years. Record temperatures already reached in recent days are suspected to have caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths across Asia and Europe.In Saudi Arabia, nearly two million Muslim pilgrims are finishing the haj at the Grand Mosque in Mecca this week. But hundreds have died during the journey amid temperatures above 51C. Around 10 countries have reported 1,081 deaths, according to an AFP tally. Nations around the Mediterranean have also endured another week of blistering high temperatures that have contributed to forest fires from Portugal to...

Climate change caused 26 extra days of extreme heat in last year: Report – Times of India

PARIS: The world experience an average of 26 more days of extreme heat over the last 12 months that would probably not have occurred without climate change, a report said on Tuesday.Heat is the leading cause of climate-related death and the report further points to the role of global warming in increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather around the world.For this study, scientists used the years 1991 to 2020 to determine what temperatures counted as within the top 10 percent for each country over that period.Next, they looked at the 12 months to May 15, 2024, to establish how many days over that period experienced temperatures within -- or beyond -- the previous range.Then, using peer-reviewed methods, they examined the influence of climate change on each of these excessiv...

Longer, intense heatwaves lead to rise in premature births: Study – Times of India

NEW DELHI: The increased frequency and intensity of heatwaves is resulting in preterm and early-term labor, a study has found. According to a new multi-institutional study published JAMA Network Open, premature births are increasing due to hot weather conditions to intense and prolonged heatwaves. The researchers analysed 5.3 crore births across the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the US over a 25-year period (1993-2017) in terms of daily counts of preterm and early-term births.The study—led by researchers from Emory University, University of Nevada Reno, Yale University, University of Utah and the National Center for Atmospheric Research—is the largest to date investigating the association between extreme heat and perinatal health.During a typical 40-week pregnancy, babies born before...