Tag: European Union


June 2024 Sets Record As Warmest June Ever, Says EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service

The European Union’s (EU’s) climate agency, Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), stated on Monday that June 2024 was the warmest June on record, and marked the 12th consecutive month of global temperatures reaching 1.5 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial (1850-1900) average. According to the new data, June 2024 was the 13th consecutive month of record-high temperatures, with an average surface air temperature of 16.66 degrees Celsius, surpassing the 1991-2020 average for the month by 0.67 degrees Celsius and the previous record set in June 2023 by 0.14 degrees Celsius. During the 2015 UN climate negotiations in Paris, global leaders agreed to restrict the increase in the average global temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial leve...

Putin’s hybrid war opens a second front on Nato’s eastern border – Times of India

Shortly after midnight, several masked men in boats began removing orange navigational aids on the Narva River that separates Estonia from Russia — a watercourse which demarcates the extent of Nato’s reach.Even that late in the day it’s twilight in northern Europe at the end of May, leaving the Russian border guards who were working to lift the markers clearly visible to the watching Estonian authorities. Then again, Russia’s actions in the early hours of May 23 weren’t necessarily meant to be conducted under cover of darkness; Estonia took it as an explicit signal of intent to the Baltic states and the West more broadly.The incident was catalogued as one in a series of acts intended to provoke and destabilize the nations that share a 3,550-kilometer (2,210-mile) frontier with Russia an...

Climate change funding talks stuck ahead of COP29 summit – Times of India

BONN: With just five months to go before this year's UN climate summit, countries cannot agree on the size of a global funding bill to help the developing world fight climate change, let alone how to split it. The decision is set to dominate the COP29 climate talks in Azerbaijan in November, where nearly 200 countries need to agree on a new annual financing target for helping poorer countries cut their emissions and protect their societies in a harsher, hotter world. The new target will replace the yearly $100 billion that rich countries had pledged in climate finance from 2020. That goal was met two years late. But preliminary talks this week in Bonn, Germany, have yielded no major breakthroughs. Instead, the talks again exposed the unyielding rifts among the world's biggest economies ...

The far-right swing in European Parliament elections | Explained

The story so far:As 51.1% of nearly 400 million Europeans voted in marathon polls held across 27 member states of the European Union (EU) from June 6 to 9, the conservative centre-right bloc of European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen managed to retain its status as the biggest political group in the European Parliament (EP). However, right-wing and far-right parties clocked their best performance in the legislative body’s history with liberals and Greens being delivered humbling blows. The result caused French President Emanuel Macron to call for snap elections in his country on June 30, with the move being seen as a political gamble to stop in its tracks the rise of the far-right firebrand Marine Le Pen’s party, with the latter eying a Presidential term in the 2027 elections...

As EU Polls Suggest Gains For Far-Right, Emmanuel Macron Calls Snap Parliamentary Polls

The gains made by the far-Right in the European Union (EU) elections led to a surprise outcome on Monday as French President Emmanuel Macron, projected to lose heavily to Marine Le Pen's National Rally, called a snap parliamentary election, with its first round scheduled for later this month. A report by Reuters says that although the majority in the 720-seat EU parliament is expected to be retained by liberal and socialist parties, the shift to the Right, coming on the back of concerns over immigration, rising costs of living and the Ukraine-Russia war, has raised questions about Europe’s future political direction. While his decision has been labelled a gamble, Macron, who heads the pro-European and centrist Renaissance party, said in a post on X, "I a...

Final Day Of EU Elections Today To Elect 720 Members Of European Parliament

Sunday marks the last day of voting for the EU elections, which began across the 27-member bloc on June 6. The voting will determine the bloc’s next parliament. The elections are being seen as pivotal as Europe faces several challenges, such as the high cost of living, climate change and the war in Ukraine. Immigration is also a major issue, with calls from some sections to limit their numbers. The new parliament will also decide the next president of the European Commission, the EU's politically independent executive arm. Incumbent President Ursula von der Leyen is seeking re-election. The European Parliament is the world’s only directly elected transnational assembly, according to the EU website. The Members of the European Parliament, or MEPs, "repres...

Voters head to the polls on final day of EU elections – Times of India

BRUSSELS: Voting began across Europe Sunday on the final -- and biggest -- day of marathon EU elections, with balloting due in 21 countries, including France and Germany, where support for surging far-right parties is being tested.It is a pivotal time for Europe. The continent is confronted with the war in Ukraine, global trade and industrial tensions marked by US-China rivalry, a climate emergency and a West that within months may have to adapt to a new Donald Trump presidency.The vote outcome will determine the bloc's next parliament and indirectly the makeup of the powerful European Commission -- thus helping to shape European Union policies over the coming five years.The elections "are crucial because the European Parliament must start to play its rightful role", voter Kostas Karagi...

Video | Finland में 22 हज़ार भारतीय, इनमें क़रीब 300 Bihar और Jharkhand से अधिकतर करते हैं IT Sector में काम

  Finland में 22 हज़ार भारतीय, इनमें क़रीब 300 Bihar और Jharkhand से अधिकतर करते हैं IT Sector में काम, देखे फ़िनलैंड से हमारे संवाददाता उमाशंकर सिंह की ये रिपोर्ट... Source link

Putin issues dire warning to countries aiding Ukraine – Times of India

Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to countries assisting Ukraine, signaling severe consequences for those who continue to support Kyiv in its ongoing conflict with Moscow. In a public address on Friday, Putin cautioned, "Anyone who tries to intervene in the Ukraine war will be met with 'lightning-fast' retaliation." This statement underscores the escalating tensions in the region as international support for Ukraine remains strong.Speaking from the Kremlin, Putin emphasized Russia's readiness to respond decisively to any foreign involvement. "We have all the instruments for this, ones that no one can boast of now," he stated. "We will use them if we have to. I want everyone to know that." The Russian leader's remarks were broadcast during a meeting with lawmake...
‘No NGO entrusted to do relief work here,’ says Manipur after EU announces aid for hailstorm affected

‘No NGO entrusted to do relief work here,’ says Manipur after EU announces aid for hailstorm affected

New Delhi: No non-governmental organisation has been entrusted to carry out relief work in the state, the Manipur government said Wednesday, strongly countering the European Union’s (EU) announcement that it would send its partners 250,000 euros to help victims of a severe hailstorm that hit early May.In a statement, Chief Secretary Vineet Joshi said no relief was undertaken by the European Union (EU) and its humanitarian partners in the state. He said all financial requirements in connection with the recent storm were being met from the available National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) and the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). “No NGOs or civil society organisations have been entrusted to carry out the relief work. A sum of Rs 30 crore has already been sanctioned by the state governm...

Climate change caused 26 extra days of extreme heat in last year: Report – Times of India

PARIS: The world experience an average of 26 more days of extreme heat over the last 12 months that would probably not have occurred without climate change, a report said on Tuesday.Heat is the leading cause of climate-related death and the report further points to the role of global warming in increasing the frequency and intensity of extreme weather around the world.For this study, scientists used the years 1991 to 2020 to determine what temperatures counted as within the top 10 percent for each country over that period.Next, they looked at the 12 months to May 15, 2024, to establish how many days over that period experienced temperatures within -- or beyond -- the previous range.Then, using peer-reviewed methods, they examined the influence of climate change on each of these excessiv...