Tag: Chronic diseases

Life Style

WHO Physical Activity Advisory: WHO defines physical inactivity, says this much exercise weekly can guarantee good health | – Times of India

A pooled analysis of 507 population-based surveys with 5·7 million participants has revealed that more than 30% of the global population does not meet the healthy levels of physical activity. This means, a major chunk of the population is not physically active as per the recommended levels set by the World Health Organisation (WHO).More than 40% of Indians are physically inactive and are at risk of life threatening diseases, the Lancet study has found.As per the WHO, insufficient physical activity is defined as not doing 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination per week.The global prevalence of insufficient physical activity has increased from 23.4% in 2000, 26.4% in 2010 to 31.3% in 2022, the study has revealed....

Data | Risky diet: Which Indian States top fried food and aerated drink consumption

Fizz and fries: Consumption of fried food and aerated drinks vary across States in India Consumption of fried foods and aerated drinks is relatively higher in Goa, many Northeastern and eastern States as compared to the rest of India, according to data from the National Family and Health Survey (NFHS)-5 conducted in 2019-21. According to the survey, over 22% men drank aerated drinks daily in Goa, while close to 10% women did so in Assam. In Mizoram, about 83% of women consumed fried food daily, while close to 38% men did so in Odisha. The dietary patterns in these States are worrying since regular consumption of such foods is linked to chronic diseases. According to the WHO’s Department for the Prevention of Noncommunicable diseases, consumption of added sugar, including products such ...