Tag: Brexit


Will Indian diaspora back Rishi Sunak in UK polls? – Times of India

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who has often looked exhausted as he crossed the country during a six-week campaign, started the penultimate day of campaigning before Thursday's vote in a vast Ocado warehouse in Luton, north of London, watching robots pick items for delivery. Sunak, who shocked many in his party and the country when he called an election several months earlier than expected, has endured a tough campaign, facing questions from voters and journalists as to why the country is not in better shape. var _mfq = window._mfq || []; _mfq.push(["setVariable", "toi_titan", window.location.href]); !(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { function loadFBEvents(isFBCampaignActive) { if (!isFBCampaignActive) { return; } (function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { if (f...

In another blow to PM, Brexit champion to stand in UK polls – Times of India

LONDON: Nigel Farage, who helped champion Britain’s departure from the EU, said on Monday he would stand as a candidate in next month’s election and will lead the rightwing Reform Party in a major blow to PM Rishi Sunak.The surprise U-turn by Farage, now a TV host, will challenge Sunak’s Conservatives for the support of right-leaning voters at a time when the governing party is already badly trailing the Labour Party in the polls.Farage, 60, had previously said he would not stand in the July 4 vote in order to help Donald Trump fight the US election later this year. But Farage said he changed his mind because he felt guilty not standing up for people who had become disillusioned with politics and had always backed him. “We are going to be the voice of opposition, and I tell you what, I ...