Tag: black magic


Who is Maldives minister who performed ‘black magic’ on President Muizzu? – Times of India

Fathimath Shammaz Ali Saleem, the environment minister of Maldives, was arrested for allegedly performing black magic on President Mohamed Muizzu. She was also suspended from her post following her arrest. Police have not officially confirmed the 'black magic' part but they said they were investigating a case involving Shamnaz and two other individuals.Who is the minister and what we know so far?Fathimath Shammaz Ali Saleem as the environment minister had a crucial role in the international front on the issue of climate crisis.Sorcery or black magic is not a criminal offence in Maldives but it carries a six-month jail sentence under Islamic law.Shamnaz's ex-husband Adam Rameez, a minister at the President's office, has also been suspended.Shamnaz had previously served as a member of the...

Zodiac Signs Who Believe in Black Magic

Sagittarius natives are creative, unorthodox, and forward-thinking. Being open-minded, They are frequently curious to learn about unusual customs and ideas. They are intrigued by various methods of perceiving and affecting the world, especially dark magic, due to their visionary disposition. They don't hesitate to question social mores and engage in esoteric activities..!! var _mfq = window._mfq || []; _mfq.push(["setVariable", "toi_titan", window.location.href]); !(function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { function loadFBEvents(isFBCampaignActive) { if (!isFBCampaignActive) { return; } (function(f, b, e, v, n, t, s) { if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function() { n.callMethod ? n.callMethod(...arguments) : n.queue.push(arguments); };...