Tag: airlines


Karanvir Bohra sends his seven-year-old daughter Vienna alone to Canada in a flight, says ‘This experience not only gave her wings but also instilled a sense of responsibility’ | – Times of India

Karanvir Bohra has been blessed with three angels, the actor has been quite active on social media sharing his parenting experience and how it feels to be a father to three daughters. In a recent post, Karanvir shared how he sent his daughter Vienna alone to Canada. He shared a video where he was seen taking his daughter to the airport for the flight. In the video, Karanvir broke the news to Vienna that she would have to go alone to Canada. At first, she was quite upset about it but later started preparing for the flight. Karanvir then motivated her and sent her alone. Later in the video, he mentioned that he also went through a lot of questions as Vienna is just 7. He said, "Yes, I have a heart and I had to hear all this because I sent my 7-year-old daughter Vienna to Canada alone by f...

Caught On Cam: Narrow Escape For American Airlines Flight After Tyre Burst During Takeoff

An American Airlines flight appeared to have a close brush this week as one of the landing-gear tyres burst and caught fire just as the aircraft gathered speed before take-off from Tampa, Florida. The pilot, however, slammed the brakes and aborted take-off, after which the passengers were deplaned safely. A video of the incident has gone viral. The incident took place Wednesday morning. According to the Associated Press, Tampa International Airport spokesman C.J. Johnson said emergency responders were dispatched to American Airlines Flight 590, headed for Phoenix, Arizona, shortly before 8 am. The video of the incident shows the airplane speeding up on the runway when the right rear tyre begins smoking and then collapses. A plane spotter, Capt. Steven Ma...

At Boeing, it’s a battle to win back airlines’ trust – Times of India

SEATTLE: "IT'S TIME TO EARN IT BACK!!!" Reads the last line (in screaming all capital letters) of a notice board at Boeing's Renton final assembly line (FLA) in Seattle where the ill-famed MAX version of the once best-selling B737s are rolled out. It reminds technicians at work here that "737 conformance rate for multiple (assembly) processes has dropped below confidence level" and that the goal is to "ensure a conforming product (for) our customers."With Boeing agreeing to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy in the US, the old slogan "if it's not Boeing, I am not going," is a distant memory for now.Amid enhanced oversight by America's Federal Aviation Administration, Boeing is trying hard to win the trust back. It recently opened the doors of its single (737) and twin (777) ais...