Tag: 1


Woman ran Singapore to Thailand 12 days, says heat melted her shoes – Times of India

NEW DELHI: Natalie Dau, a 52-year-old ultramarathoner, recently completed an astonishing feat by running 1,000 kilometres across Thailand, Malaysia, and Singapore in just 12 days. Facing extreme heat and a severe hip injury, Ms Dau pushed through, covering the distance of two marathons each day. Her journey ended in Singapore on June 5, setting the Singapore record for the "Fastest 1,000km Thailand-Singapore Ultramarathon" and awaiting certification from Guinness World Records for the "Fastest Crossing of Peninsular Malaysia on Foot." "Today is the first time in four days I have questioned if I would actually finish this thing.I love the challenge of the sport, love the rawness of it all, but hate these low points. And they come often," she told BBC.Ms Dau's run raised over $50,000 for ...

A Russian cosmonaut becomes the first person to spend 1,000 days in space – Times of India

A 59-year-old Russian cosmonaut has become the first person to spend 1,000 days in space, Russian space agency Roscosmos said Wednesday.Oleg Kononenko achieved the milestone on Tuesday, having made five journeys to the International Space Station dating back to 2008. His current trip to the ISS began Sept. 15, 2023, when he launched alongside Nasa astronaut Loral O'Hara and compatriot Nikolai Chub. Kononenko first took the cumulative space time record in February 2024, when he surpassed the total of 878 days, 11 hours, 29 minutes, and 48 seconds set by fellow Russian Gennady Padalka in 2015. If Kononenko's mission ends as scheduled September 23, 2024, he will have spent a total of 1,110 days in orbit. "There's this awareness that you have achieved something new and important, that you'...