Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday met the families of those affected by the recent violence in Sambhal at his 10 Janpath residence in New Delhi. Accompanied by All India Congress Committee (AICC) general secretary and Wayanad MP Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, he assured them of all possible assistance in their pursuit of justice.
The Congress party, in a post on X, stated, “Today, Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi and Congress general secretary and MP Priyanka Gandhi met the victims of Sambhal. The incident in Sambhal is the ill-effects of BJP’s hate politics, and it is fatal for a peaceful society.”
आज नेता विपक्ष श्री @RahulGandhi और कांग्रेस महासचिव व सांसद श्रीमती @priyankagandhi जी ने संभल के पीड़ितों से मुलाक़ात की।
संभल में हुई घटना BJP की नफ़रती राजनीति का दुष्परिणाम है और यह शांतिपूर्ण समाज के लिए घातक है।
हमें साथ मिलकर इस हिंसक और नफ़रती मानसिकता को मोहब्बत और… pic.twitter.com/fi4zTcpT2m
— Congress (@INCIndia) December 10, 2024
The post further read, “Together, we have to defeat this violent and hateful mentality with love and brotherhood.” The Congress reiterated its commitment to stand by the victims and pledged to fight for their justice.
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Rahul, Priyanka Gandhi Denied Nod To Visit Sambhal And Meet Victims’ Families
Earlier, the Uttar Pradesh government had denied permission to both Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi to visit Sambhal and meet the victims’ families. On December 4, while en route to Sambhal, the Gandhi siblings were stopped by the Uttar Pradesh Police at the Ghazipur border. Rahul Gandhi criticised the action, terming it “anti-constitutional.” He even offered to proceed alone with police escort but was not allowed.
The violence in Sambhal occurred on November 24 during a court-ordered survey of a Mughal-era mosque. Clashes between protesters and security personnel resulted in the deaths of four people and injuries to several others.