Tag: We Wear Nazar Battu

Why Do People Wear Nazar Battu or Evil Eye , Know Benefits – The Times of India

Why Do People Wear Nazar Battu or Evil Eye , Know Benefits – The Times of India

The Nazar Battu or Evil Eye is a well-known cultural and spiritual symbol, particularly in Hinduism and other spiritual practices. It is believed to protect individuals from the evil eye a malevolent glare thought to be capable of causing harm, illness, or misfortune. Wearing an Evil Eye bracelet or Nazar Battu is common practice in many cultures across the world, especially in India and the Middle East.The evil eye refers to a belief that a person can cause harm, bad luck, or misfortune to others simply by looking at them with envy, jealousy, or malicious intent. Nazar Battu or Evil Eye is used as a protective charm to shield individuals from the harmful effects of such a gaze. It is often seen as a symbol of protection and is believed to reflect back the harmful energy directed at the we...