Tag: Planetary Humor

What If Planets Had Desi Moms? – The Times of India

What If Planets Had Desi Moms? – The Times of India

If planets had desi moms, the solar system would be less about orbits and more about unsolicited advice, guilt trips, and the occasional log kya kahenge lecture.Mercury’s Mom – “Why So Fast? Slow Down, Beta!” Zooming around the Sun like a neighborhood kid on a sugar rush, Mercury’s mom keeps reminding it to slow down. “Koi shanti nahi hai. How will you ever settle down at this speed?”Venus’s Mom – “All This Beauty, But Where’s the Sanskar?” Venus, the glamour icon, hears the same thing every day: “Makeup won’t find you a good rishta. Learn to cook, or else your in-laws will talk.”Earth’s Mom – “Keep the House Clean! Guests Are Coming!” Earth can’t catch a break. “This pollution, these messes—sab kuch saaf karo! What if a guest planet visits? Do you want them to say we don’t maintain our ho...
Astrology Roasts: If Each Planet Had a Stand-Up Comedy Special – The Times of India

Astrology Roasts: If Each Planet Had a Stand-Up Comedy Special – The Times of India

Stand-up comedy is all about timing, wit, and knowing how to roast the audience—and if the planets had their own comedy specials, the zingers would come flying. From the fiery egos of Mars to the mysterious charm of Neptune, each planet brings its unique flavour to the stage. Let’s see how each one would perform in the comedy spotlight.Mercury: The Speedy Smart Alec Mercury’s routine would be a whirlwind. With the ability to talk fast and cover a million topics in a second, the audience would struggle to keep up. “I was texting someone at the speed of light, then they texted back, and I couldn’t even remember what I said. Classic Mercury, right?” It’s fast-paced, witty, and probably leaves everyone wondering if they missed something.Venus: The Love Guru Venus would charm the crowd, effortl...