What If Zodiacs Had School Report Cards? – The Times of India
The zodiac classroom is a chaotic mess of overachievers, troublemakers, and kids who swear they “totally studied” but can’t remember a thing during exams. Here’s how their report cards would look.Aries – The Overconfident RebelGrades: B’s and C’s, but insists they “don’t care about grades anyway.”Teacher’s Note: “Spends more time challenging rules than following them. Claims they work best under pressure but turns in assignments two minutes before the deadline.”Taurus – The SnackerGrades: Solid B’s, but only in subjects they like.Teacher’s Note: “Highly dependable but refuses to participate in PE. Caught eating during class multiple times. Brings gourmet-level lunches and won’t share.”Gemini – The Class ChatterboxGrades: All over the place, but somehow still passing.Teacher’s Note: “Can an...