Tag: pavel durov


Pavel Durov: Telegram quietly makes this ‘big change’ to its FAQ page on private chats after CEO Pavel Durov’s arrest | – Times of India

Telegram is changing. And the reason appears none other than the recent 4-day detention of its CEO Pavel Durov in France. The company seems to have acknowledged that it does have a problem on its platform, though not-so directly. As reported by The Verge, Telegram has quietly removed language from its FAQ page that said private chats were protected from moderation requests.This change comes almost two weeks after its Durov arrest in France. Telegram CEO was charged in France for failing to stop the spread of illicit content on the app, including child sex abuse material and drug salesChanges on Telgram FAQ pageAccording to the report, some of those changes appear to be already taking effect as the company’s FAQ page has changed in the last 24 hours. The response in the section “There’s ill...

Should digital platform owners be held liable for user-generated content?

Russia-born tech tycoon Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested in Paris on August 24, 2024. French authorities announced that Mr. Durov is under investigation for a litany of serious crimes, including enabling the distribution of child sexual abuse material on the app, facilitating drug trafficking, and refusing to cooperate with law enforcement. Should digital platform owners be held liable for user-generated content? Pranesh Prakash and Rohit Kumar discuss the question in a conversation moderated by Aaratrika Bhaumik. Edited excerpts: Does Telegram’s lax content moderation policy and purported reluctance to cooperate with law enforcement agencies justify the indictment of its founder? Pranesh Prakash: It remains unclear the extent to which Telegram’s content moderation polici...

Telegram CEO’s Arrest: From Pavel Durov’s Arrest To Telegram’s Potential Ban In India, Here’s W

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Telegram, Pavel Durov, was arrested in Paris on August 25 over the allegations of failing to moderate illegal activities on the instant messaging platform. Since his arrest, Durov spent four days in custody and finally got released on a bail of 5 million euros. Durov has been instructed not to leave France till the legal proceedings are complete. Let us go over everything that happened in this episode and how India has reacted to this.  ALSO READ | Want To Earn An Extra Rs 50,000 Every Month? Here's How You Can Do So With A Delhi Traffic Police Scheme What Do We Know About The Arrest? Durov was detained by the French authorities as soon as he landed at the Le Bourget Airport. The French authorities have levied several charges including complicity in the...

Telegram founder Pavel Durov faces allegations of violence against his child: ‘He threatened to kill him,’ claims ex-partner – Times of India

In a complex and controversial legal battle, Telegram founder Pavel Durov finds himself at the center of allegations that he committed acts of violence against one of his children, as well as facing criminal charges related to the misuse of his messaging platform, according to the report by CNN. French prosecutors confirmed that they are seeking further information from Swiss authorities regarding the accusations brought forward by Irina Bolgar, Durov’s former partner and the mother of his three children.The allegations, filed in a Geneva court in March 2023, accuse Durov of harming his youngest son on five occasions between 2021 and 2022, including an instance where he allegedly threatened the child’s life, reported CNN.Bolgar, who now resides in Switzerland with their children, reportedl...