Tag: 2024 general election verdict


​Lip service: On the Emergency and government’s actions

The Emergency, imposed on June 25, 1975 by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, and which lasted 21 months till March 21, 1977, remains a blot on the history of democratic India. The rule by decree, the suspension of civil liberties and free speech, the arbitrariness of government actions, and the indiscriminate arrests of dissenters and Opposition figures using draconian preventive detention laws, among other measures, continue to haunt Indians who experienced it in all its vicious forms. The traumatic episode is a reminder of the responsibility of democratic institutions in always safeguarding the freedoms and rights of citizens. When freshly elected and returning Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla read out a resolution, on Wednesday, “condemning the imposition of Emergency” and termed it a...

The boomerang effect in this general election, and how

The 2024 general election verdict has many takeaways. While some say that it has enlarged what was becoming a shrinking space for dissent and democracy, others say it has created hope for change in the future by reining in what would be called Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s virtual dictatorial run.But these are only the visible effects. There is something deeply philosophical about this verdict. It is actually a civilisation-strikes-back occasion for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its ecosystem. The Hindutva project, that is spearheaded by Mr. Modi, has re-opened the old civilisational suspicion in the minds of the religious have-nots among Hindus. Far from creating a Hindu monolith, it has resulted in only counter-polarisation among Hindus themselves. Clearly, Hindutva’s civilisa...