Saturn (Shani) Transit on March 29, 2025: Things You need to remove from home to get rid of Shani Dosha – The Times of India


Saturn (Shani) Transit on March 29, 2025: Things You need to remove from home to get rid of Shani Dosha

On March 29, 2025, Saturn (Shani) will transit in Pisces. This transit is going to be a major astrological event that is happening in coming days. This transit may have an effect on your relationships, profession, finances, and karma. Shani will bring so many potent changes in the life of people. Before Shani Transit, people are advised to perform some important remedies which can reduce the impact of Shani. So, there are certain bad items in your home which are required to be fixed or removed in order to lower Shani Dosha and provide wealth and serenity.

Things you must remove or fix before Shani Transit to remove Shani Dosha:

Dirty or torn clothing and shoes
According to Shani’s energy, clothes you don’t wear and unused shoes bring poverty and obstruct prosperity. Untidiness is disliked by Shani planet so you need to get rid of the extra clothes and shoes or you can donate them in some orphanage to get the benefits. You are advised to throw away ripped, unusable clothing and donate old, wearable clothing. By removing them from house, it will bring discipline in life and financial stability.
Appliances & Electronics That Don’t Work
As we know and Saturn will transit along with Rahu so you need to keep this in your mind that you must remove those electronic items which are not working. This will create negative energy. Before Saturn transits, either fix or get rid of any broken electronics. By removing these items from home or getting it fixed, you can get professional development and releases stagnant energy.
Old and Unused Medicines
People are advised to remove unused medicine or expiry medicines in the house and keep only what is absolutely necessary and dispose of outdated medications before Saturn Transit in Pisces otherwise it will create problems and health issues in life. Once you remove them, it will enhances longevity and health.
Dried or thorny plants
Lifeless, or dried plants that obstruct success and shows Shani Dosha. You are advised to get rid of any dead leaves, dried plants, or thorny plants. By removing these things you will promote prosperity and peace.
Images of Gods in a Broken State or Idols
It is extremely unlucky to keep broken idols of the gods, as this brings Shani Dosha. ou first need to replace damaged idols with new ones by letting them flow in a river or other holy body of water. It will enhance the spiritual energy.
Outdated Bills or Useless Documents
Financial burden and stagnant energies are created when needless papers, bills, and newspapers are hoarded. Before Saturn’s transit, you must shred and dispose of outdated, useless documents. It helps to Clear financial obstacles and promotes achievement.
Mirrors with dirt or cracks
As you all know that broken mirrors reflect distorted pictures, they draw misfortune, confusion, and negative energy. You are advised to replace damaged mirrors and give all mirrors a routine cleaning. It promotes luck, happiness, and clarity.
Unused Items or Broken Furniture
Cluttered areas and broken furnishings create Vasu Dosha and make Vastu out of balance and draw issues. You need to either fix it or get rid of any damaged tables, chairs, or extra furniture as a remedy. This will bring change in your life by removing barriers in both personal and professional life.
Broken watches or clocks
Saturn governs time and karma, and clocks stand for time. A broken clock represents inaction, hold-ups, and lost chances. You should either fix or discard damaged clocks to release old negative energy and bring in new beginning. This will remove all the delays and barriers which you are facing in your career.

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