Letters to The Editor — June 26, 2024


‘Will work for consensus’

The Prime Minister’s “aggressive note”, that his government “Will work for consensus in Parliament, says Modi” (Page 1, June 25), is befuddling. Has the top leader forgotten that he needs to shun “double speak”? Right now, Modi phraseology is about one-way traffic. In the coalition government that he runs, the most important portfolios are with the BJP. The pro tem Speaker selection too has been his/the party’s choice. Mr. Modi has already enjoyed two stints as Prime Minister. In his third term, he could accommodate fine gestures and democratic values.

P.K. Sharma,

Barnala, Punjab

Water seepage

The Prime Minister took a personal interest in the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, and the inauguration was grand. Alas, the gigantic structure now has flaws (Inside pages, “Chief priest complains of water seepage in Ayodhya Ram Temple”, June 25). The traditional Agama Shastra does not seem to have been followed in the temple’s construction

D. Sethuraman,


The report reminded me of something that is fundamental to the Indian way of life. My friend constructed a house some years ago and the structure was one of unmatched extravagance. Soon, the problems emerged. The expensive ornate windows and doors would not close properly. The drainage had many issues. The list can go on. We in India pay more attention to creating an impression, with needless extravagance, when close attention ought to be paid to the minute details. Only then can there be quality. Does anyone care?

Mohan Das,


Nothing seems to be going right for the government, from competitive entrance examinations to the quality of temple construction. Ancient Indian temples have stood for hundreds of years without any issue because that were built out of devotion. Not for votes.

Bidyut Kumar Chatterjee,

Faridabad, Haryana

Food packaging

Unwrapping a biscuit pack in today’s world is about getting past layers of plastic laminates. In my younger days, biscuits came wrapped in biodegradable, environment-friendly butter paper or paper flute board and were crispy with a good shelf-life. The Pollution Control boards must focus on the use of plastics in food wrappers.

Dinar L. Barros,

Betalbatim, Goa

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