If the zodiac signs formed a crime syndicate, the cosmos would be their courtroom, and each sign would play a villainous role. Here’s how the stars align in the world of mischief and mayhem.
is the impulsive getaway driver, speeding through life without looking back. Known for quick tempers and thrill-seeking, this fire sign lives for the adrenaline rush of breaking the rules.
is the smooth-talking smuggler. Patience and persistence make them perfect for building black-market empires, complete with silk scarves and secret hideouts.
is the con artist, weaving webs of lies with charm and wit. They’ll sell fake dreams and vanish before anyone realizes what happened.
is the criminal mastermind hiding behind an innocent face. Don’t be fooled by their emotional exterior—they’re pulling strings and plotting twists like it’s their life’s mission.
, the Godfather, rules the underworld with a theatrical flair. This boss doesn’t just seek revenge—they thrive on it. Fuelled by pride and a thirst for loyalty, their blood-hungry vendettas make them unstoppable.
is the meticulous hacker, cracking codes with precision and leaving no digital trace. Their perfectionism ensures every plan unfolds like clockwork.
is the corrupt lawyer, balancing the scales of justice—for a price. Their charm and diplomacy make them untouchable, even when they’re pulling strings behind closed doors.
is the femme fatale or mysterious hitman. Obsessed with secrecy and power, they strike in the shadows, leaving fear in their wake.
is the globetrotting smuggler, using charm and humor to slip past borders. This sign thrives on risky escapades and always has an escape plan.
is the crime boss who runs everything like a business. Calculating and cold, their empire is built on ruthless efficiency and iron discipline.
is the mad scientist, dreaming up high-tech heists and futuristic schemes. Their inventions leave everyone wondering how they pulled it off.
is the forger, creating masterpieces that fool the experts. Their artistic touch and emotional intuition make their counterfeit goods irresistible.
In this celestial underworld, the stars align for chaos, strategy, and a touch of cosmic drama. Every sign brings its unique flair to the world of crime.
Discover everything about astrology at the Times of India, including daily horoscopes for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.