Victory over enemies through worship on Skanda Shashti Day – The Times of India


Victory over enemies through worship on Skanda Shashti Day
Skanda Shashti, dedicated to Lord Kartikeya, is observed on 3rd February with a day-long fast. It’s believed to provide blessings of progeny, peace, and victory over enemies. The mythological story involves Lord Kartikeya defeating the demon Tarakasur, reflecting his role as the deity of war and strength, son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati.

In the Sanatan tradition, the Skanda Shashti fast is observed every month, and this year it falls on 3rd February. On this day, Lord Kartikeya (Skanda) is worshipped, and a fast is observed.
According to Celebrity Astrologer Parduman Suri, this fast dedicated to Lord Kartikeya, the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati, holds significant importance. Observing the fast on this day helps end a person’s problems and leads to victory over enemies. Additionally, the individual receives blessings of progeny, mental peace, and prosperity.
The Skanda Shashti festival is dedicated to Lord Murugan (Kartikeya), the son of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. On the sixth day of the lunar cycle, devotees worship Lord Murugan. Devotees observe a fast on this day. This year, the date for Skanda Shashti is 3rd February 2025, with the fast period beginning at 06:52 AM on 3rd February and ending at 04:37 AM on 4th February. According to the Udaya Tithi, the fast will be observed on 3rd February.
Lord Kartikeya is considered the deity of war and strength. Observing this fast not only ensures victory over enemies but also brings good health and the blessing of children.

Skanda Shashti Vrat Katha

According to mythological stories, once Tarakasur created chaos in the realm of the gods. In the ensuing war, the gods were defeated. Injustice and immorality reached their peak on Earth and in heaven. The gods then prayed to Brahma Ji for the destruction of Tarakasur. Brahma Ji told them that only the son of Lord Shiva could defeat Tarakasur. At that time, Lord Shiva was immersed in deep meditation. All the gods, including Indra, tried to wake Lord Shiva from his meditation but failed.
Then, the gods sought help from Kamadev (the god of love). Kamadev stirred love for Goddess Parvati in Lord Shiva’s heart, disrupting his meditation. Enraged, Lord Shiva opened his third eye and reduced Kamadev to ashes. However, after his meditation was disturbed, Lord Shiva became attracted to Goddess Parvati once again. After some time, Lord Kartikeya was born. Later, Lord Kartikeya defeated Tarakasur and freed the gods from the tyranny of the demons.

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