The power transmission system in Telangana has recorded the highest-ever load bearing during a monsoon season on Thursday, when it clocked at 15,573 megawatt at 7.30 pm. Interestingly, it comes when projects in Krishna Basin are discharging heavy excess flood.
According to TG-Transco, it is 5.11% higher compared to the same day last year, when it was recorded at 14,816 MW. The previous all-time highest peak demand met by the power utilities was 15,623 MW on March 8 this year. The higher energy consumption in a day was recorded on March 13 this year, when 311.04 million units were consumed.
The authorities stated that the average energy supplied in August till date was 266.14 MU, 6.35% higher compared to the average consumption of 250.25 MU in August 2023. The utilities were all prepared to handle the peak demand up to 17,000 MW expected to be recorded in September and October, when standing crops require frequent wetting (irrigation) before the harvest.s