Actor Jheel Mehta, who rose to fame as Sonu Bhide on the popular sitcom ‘Tarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah’, is gearing up for her wedding. Jheel, who was a beloved child artist on the show, left the series in 2012. As her big day approaches, she treated her fans to a glimpse of her bachelorette party in Goa.
Jheel Mehta aka Sonu of TMKOC shares glimpses of her bachelorette party
In an Instagram post, Jheel is seen wearing a floral dress and a bride-to-be sash, captioning the photo with “Girls just wanna have fun.” Her former ‘Tarak Mehta’ co-star, Jennifer Mistry Bansiwal, commented on the post, writing, “Congo jheelo…kaisi hai babu (How are you dear?)” Fans also flooded the comments, praising Jheel as a beautiful bride-to-be.
Jheel’s Engagement
Jheel’s longtime partner, Aditya Dube, proposed to her in January. The couple got officially engaged in February in a ceremony attended by their families. In May, Jheel posted a heartwarming video of Aditya proposing to her by the beach, captioning it, “At every table, I’ll save you a seat. I knew you’d say yes (you didn’t have another option, hehehehe) but I was still feeling the butterflies. All I need is you, the sea, and the sunset. Forever a goofball around you.”
Jheel frequently shares photos with Aditya on social media, though the couple has yet to announce their wedding date, which is anticipated to be either later this year or early next year. In August, Jheel revealed on social media that she and Aditya would be tying the knot in five months.
In addition to Jheel, other former child actors from the show include Bhavya Gandhi and Raj Anadkat, who also left the series. Kush Mehta, who played Goli, recently departed to focus on his higher education.
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