Bollywood actors Sonakshi Sinha and Zaheer Iqbal graced the India Day Parade in New York, proudly representing the country at this prestigious event. The couple, who tied the knot in June 2024, twinned in elegant white attire and shared glimpses of the event on social media. Sonakshi expressed her joy, writing, “It was an honour representing our great nation and celebrating Unity in Diversity.” The parade, organized by the Federation of Indian Associations, saw a vibrant celebration of Indian culture.
Sonakshi and Zaheer’s appearance at the event was a significant moment as they celebrated India’s rich culture and heritage.The couple’s chemistry and fashionable appearance grabbed attention, and fans were delighted to see their strong bond as they participated in the festivities together.
The India Day Parade is one of the most prestigious events held in New York annually, bringing together the vast Indian population to celebrate the country’s cultural legacy. The participation of Sonakshi and Zaheer added a Bollywood flair to the event.
Sharing the pics, the ‘Dabangg’ actress wrote on Instagram, “Thank you for having us there!”
Sonakshi and Zaheer, who married in a grand ceremony in Mumbai earlier this year, continue to enjoy the spotlight as a power couple in the entertainment industry.
Sonakshi and Zaheer’s appearance at the event was a significant moment as they celebrated India’s rich culture and heritage.The couple’s chemistry and fashionable appearance grabbed attention, and fans were delighted to see their strong bond as they participated in the festivities together.
The India Day Parade is one of the most prestigious events held in New York annually, bringing together the vast Indian population to celebrate the country’s cultural legacy. The participation of Sonakshi and Zaheer added a Bollywood flair to the event.
Sharing the pics, the ‘Dabangg’ actress wrote on Instagram, “Thank you for having us there!”
Sonakshi and Zaheer, who married in a grand ceremony in Mumbai earlier this year, continue to enjoy the spotlight as a power couple in the entertainment industry.
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