Another hit-and-run incident claimed a woman’s life in Mumbai on Tuesday, September 3. This time, the area of the incident was Malad. An officer associated with the maritime trading (merchant navy officer) sector was allegedly driving at a high speed and ran over a woman. The accused, identified as Anuj Sinha, was thrashed by locals before he was arrested.
Anuj Sinha was driving a Ford SUV in Mumbai’s Malad area late on Tuesday night while the victim, identified as 27-year-old Shahana Kazi was returning home from her mehendi class. The speeding SUV suddenly hit her from behind. Local residents rushed her to a hospital, where she was declared dead. A bystander who shot a video of the car after the accident said that Kazi is survived by two kids.
Mumbai: In Malad, a 27-year-old woman named Shahana Kazi died after being struck by a speeding Ford car while returning home from a mehndi class. Local residents rushed her to the hospital, but she succumbed to her injuries. Following the accident, an enraged crowd assaulted the…
— IANS (@ians_india) September 4, 2024
Meanwhile, a speeding car hit Shahana Kazi hard from behind, the woman was seriously injured in the accident. Anuj Sinha, who works in a shipping company and was on leave, took the injured woman to a nearby hospital with the help of some bystanders. Gaya but she died on arrival. After the incident, the angry locals thrashed the accused.
#WATCH | A 27-year-old woman died after being hit by a speeding car in the Malad area of Mumbai last night. The accused driver took the injured woman to the hospital, where the doctors declared her dead. Malad Police have registered a case against the accused and arrested him.…
— ANI (@ANI) September 4, 2024
The police later arrested Anuj and sent his blood for alcohol sampling to decide whether this was a case of drunk driving.