MSBSHSE Maharashtra SSC Hall Ticket 2025 released: The Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) has issued the admit cards for the 2025 Maharashtra Class 10 Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examinations on its official website, mahahsscboard.in. Students can obtain their hall tickets from their respective schools.
Schools are prohibited from charging any additional fees for printing the hall tickets. After downloading, schools are required to print the admit cards and authenticate them with the signature and stamp of the principal or headmaster.
The admit cards can be accessed under the “Paid Status Admit Card” section, but only for students whose payment status is confirmed as “Paid.” Once printed, schools must verify that all candidate details, including subjects and examination centres, are correct.
Maharashtra SSC Admit Card 2025: Steps to Check
By following these steps, teachers can ensure a smooth process for obtaining and issuing the admit cards to students.
- Visit the official website: Go to the MSBSHSE’s official website: mahahsscboard.in.
- Log in with credentials: Use the school’s registered login ID and password to access the dashboard.
- Navigate to the admit card section: On the dashboard, locate and click on the “Paid Status Admit Card” option.
- Select the required details: Choose the necessary exam details, such as class (SSC), year (2025), and division, from the available options.
- Confirm payment status: Ensure that the candidates’ payment status is marked as “Paid.” Only those students will have their admit cards available for download.
- Download admit cards: Select the students whose admit cards are required and download them in PDF format.
- Print and authenticate: Print the admit cards and ensure they are signed and stamped by the headmaster or principal for validation.
- Distribute to students: Cross-check the printed admit cards for accuracy in student details, subjects, and exam centres before distributing them to students.
Students and teachers can refer to the notice provided here to view the details of the Maharashtra SSC admit card 2025.