‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 16’ continues to captivate audiences as one of the most popular game shows on Indian television. In the latest episode, a new segment called ‘Jaldi 5’ was introduced after the ‘Fastest Finger First’ round. In this segment, the top two winners of the previous round compete to secure the hot seat by correctly answering five questions first. Alka Singh from Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, became the first-ever winner of the ‘Jaldi 5’ round on Monday’s episode.
Alka, who works as the Branch Manager at the Indian Post Office, played brilliantly up to the 11th question, which was worth ₹6,40,000. However, she stumbled on the 12th question and her winnings were reduced to ₹3,20,000.
The KBC question worth Rs 12.5 lakh
The question for ₹12.5 lakh was, “Which of these countries is not named after a person?” The options were: A: Mauritius, B: Barbados, C: Philippines, and D: Kiribati.
Alka used her Double Dip lifeline, allowing her to submit two answers in hopes of getting one correct. She first locked in D: Kiribati, which the host confirmed was incorrect. Her second choice was A: Mauritius, which was also wrong. The correct answer was B: Barbados.
Alka’s confident and carefree attitude on the show was a highlight of the episode. During the ₹12.5 lakh question, she humorously attempted to ask Amitabh Bachchan for help, to which he responded with a playful ‘thenga’ (a gesture of refusal).
After Alka’s exit, the ‘Fastest Finger First’ and ‘Jaldi 5’ rounds resumed, and a contestant named Paras Mani joined the host on the hot seat. During his conversation with Amitabh Bachchan, Paras revealed that he is an auto driver despite holding a BA Honours degree. He will continue as the rollover contestant in tonight’s episode.