Television actress Navina Bole, widely recognised for her roles in Ishqbaaz and Miley Jab Hum Tum, has confirmed her separation from her husband, Jeet Karnani. The actress took to social media to share the news, posting a photo from a recent interview she gave to Bombay Times. Alongside the image, Navina wrote on Instagram, “Yes this has happened. Yes, it’s true. Life goes on and everything happens for the best.”
Naveena Bole confirms separation from her husband
Naveena told Times Of India “Jeet and I separated three months ago and we will soon start the legal proceedings. We are co-parenting our five-year-old daughter Kimaayra. Jeet spends two days a week with her. Our separation was amicable and we believe it is better to part ways and live a happy life than be unhappy together.”
Navina and Jeet, a financial consultant, tied the knot in 2017 and welcomed their daughter, Kimaayra, in 2019.
Navina on her marriage
In a further conversation with ETimes, Navina shared more details about their arrangement. Jeet will spend two days a week with their daughter, a decision they believe is best for their family. Reflecting on their marriage, she said, “Jeet and I had a good marriage initially, but gradually drifted apart. In a marriage, communication and spending quality time with each other are important.”
Jeet, on the other hand, didn’t comment on the matter when contacted and requested privacy.