CBSE 2025: Exams to be cancelled for students caught using electronic devices or spreading rumors, check official notice here | – The Times of India


CBSE 2025: Exams to be cancelled for students caught using electronic devices or spreading rumors, check official notice here

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has issued a notice on examination ethics for Class 10 and 12 students. The Class 10 and 12 board exams for 2025 are scheduled to begin on February 15, 2025. The notice has been addressed to the principals and heads of schools.
The official notice reads, ‘You would agree that conduct of fair examination is a must in the academic interest of the students. Accordingly, a detailed “Unfair Means Rules” have been framed by the CBSE. It is desirable that before the start of the examination, all the students who would appear on board examinations be informed about the ethics of the examinations, their rules and the instructions issued by the CBSE.’
According to the notice, the following actions are expected from schools:

  • Brief students about examination ethics and associated penalties. Additionally, inform students not to believe or spread rumors that could disrupt the smooth conduct of examinations.
  • Brief parents about examination ethics and penalties.
  • Remind students on the day of the examination to ensure they are not carrying any prohibited items to the examination center.
  • Brief officials deployed for examination duties about their responsibilities.

The notice also states that a provision has been added to the UFM rules under the ‘Act of Unfair Means’.

Act of Unfair Means Implemented Penalties
Category – 3 (New)

  • Possession, use or attempted use of any electronic device, which can be used as a communication device, after entering the examination centre. Supported by a report of invigilator/checking staff.
  • Students indulging in spreading rumours affecting smooth conduct of examinations.

Cancellation of current as well as next year’s examination in full subjects and shall be eligible to write/have/take the examination in full subjects thereafter.

The notice also included a list of barred and allowed items, along with the UFM (Unfair Means) rules for students, teachers, and parents.

List of Permitted Items:

  • Admit card and school identity card (for regular students)
  • Admit card and any government-issued photo identification proof (for private students)
  • Stationery items: transparent pouch, geometry/pencil box, blue/royal blue ink, ballpoint/gel pen, scale, writing pad, eraser
  • Analog watch, transparent water bottle
  • Metro card, bus pass, money

List of Barred Items:

  • Stationery items: textual material (printed or written), bits of paper, calculators (except for students with learning disabilities like Dyscalculia, as per Circular No. CBSE/COORD/2020 dated 20.01.2020; these are provided by the exam center), pen drives, log tables (provided by exam centers), electronic pens/scanners, etc.
  • Communication devices: mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, earphones, microphones, pagers, health bands, smartwatches, cameras, etc.
  • Other items: wallets, goggles, handbags, pouches, etc.
  • Eatable items: opened or packed, except for diabetic students.
  • Any other item that could be used for unfair means.

The use of any of the above or similar items will be treated as “Unfair Means” and will attract penalties as per the rules.
Click here to read the full notice

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