Shiromani Akali Dal’s Amritsar president Simranjit Singh Mann made a shocking statement against BJP MP Kangana Ranaut over her “rapes were taking place during farmers’ protests” remark. The former Akali MP on Thursday said that Kangana Ranaut should explain how rape takes place.
“I don’t want to say it, but if she has too much ‘experience’ with rape, she should explain how it happens,” Simranjit Singh Mann said at a media interaction. When asked to explain his “experience” comment, Simranjit Singh Mann said, “Just as you gain experience from riding a bicycle, they have experience with rape.”
Kangana Ranaut courted controversy recently when she alleged that “bodies were seen hanging and rapes were taking place” during the farmers’ 2019-20 farmers’ protest. Speaking in a podcast interaction, she also said that foreign powers were behind the prolonged protests against the three contentious farm laws that have now been scrapped.