Amroha: A seven-year-old Muslim boy was allegedly expelled from a school in Uttar Pradesh’s Amroha for bringing non-vegetarian food. The incident took place in Hilton Public School. A video of the school pincipal engaging in a heated argument with the student’s parent has surfaced on social media. In view of the incident, the District School Inspector Amroha has constituted a three-member committee to investigate and take action regarding the matter.
In the video, the mother of the boy can be heard arguing with the principal, questioning why her son was being expelled over such allegations. She dismissed the claims being made by the principal regarding the child bringing non-vegetarian food to school and also refuted religious based comments on the child and the family.
Responding to why he decided to expel the boy, the principal reasoned that the school would not educate those who demolish Hindu temples and talk about converting Hindus to Muslims. “We can’t educate kids who break our temples, harm Hindus, talk about converting all Hindus, and destroying Ram Mandir,” he said.
The school principal can also be heard saying that the school had repeatedly asked the boy not to bring non-vegetarian food to school. He also claimed that the child had said that he would continue to bring it and convert all Hindu students to Muslim by making them eat non-vegetarian food.
Hearing these allegations, the mother of the child refuted them all saying that he can never make such comments. She instead accused other students of troubling her son over religious differences and specifically named a student as well. The parent also questioned the principal why he had made her son to sit for an entire day without informing her about the issue. The principal stressed that he would not allow the boy to continue studying at the school, adding that the parents of other students were demanding the same.
A 7-year-old Muslim child was expelled from Hilton Public School, Amroha, over allegations of bringing non-veg food.
The principal allegedly stated, “We can’t educate kids who break our temples, harm Hindus, talk about converting all Hindus, and destroying Ram…
— Gabbar (@Gabbar0099) September 5, 2024
After the video went viral, the Amroha police took notice of it and assured that a probe was underway. “Regarding the above case, please inform that a three-member investigation committee has been constituted by the District School Inspector Amroha to investigate and take action on the viral video. Law and order situation is normal,” the Amroha police tweeted.
A notification issued by the District School Inspector of Amroha stated: “A video is going viral regarding the Principal of Hilton Convent School Amroha, in which the principal and the guardian of the child related to the nursery child were heard and in view of the allegations, an investigation committee is constituted to investigate the viral video”.
“The investigation committee is ordered to ensure that an impartial and transparent on-site investigation regarding the viral video is conducted and the report is provided within three days. At the time of investigation, the views of all the parties must be heard,” it added.