Actor Jayasurya has denied the sexual harassment allegations made against him and said that he will file a lawsuit. Many prominent personalities of Mollywood, including veteran actor Siddique and filmmaker Ranjith Balakrishnan, have been accused of sexual assault and rape. This case is one of many such accusations. Two actors filed lawsuits against Jayasurya, both of which the actors claim are false.
Jayasurya denies sexual harassment allegations
Taking to Instagram on Sunday, Jayasurya posted a long note addressing the allegations. “I have decided to move forward with this legally. My legal team will be looking after the rest of the proceedings regarding this case. False allegations are easy to make for anyone who lacks a conscience. I only hope one realises that facing a false accusation of harassment is just as painful as the harassment itself,” Jayasurya said in the post.
“A lie always travels faster than the truth but I believe truth will prevail. All the legal proceedings to prove my innocence will continue. I have complete faith in our judicial system. Thank you to those who contributed to making this birthday the most painful one,” he added.
About Justice Hema Committee
After the release of the Justice Hema Committee report, which documents allegations of sexual harassment by women in the industry, the MeToo movement gained traction in the Malayalam film industry. Several FIRs have been filed against prominent Malayalam actors and filmmakers in the wake of claims of sexual harassment made against them.
The Kerala government formed the Justice Hema Committee after the 2017 actress assault case, and its report exposed incidents of harassment and exploitation of women in the Malayalam film industry.