Prime Minister Narendra Modi is scheduled to inaugurate the National Conference of District Judiciary at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on Saturday. On the occasion, the Prime Minister will also unveil the stamp and a coin commemorating 75 years of the establishment of the Supreme Court of India. The programme is set to start around 10 am, according to the Prime Minister’s office.
“Tomorrow, 31st August, at around 10 AM, I will inaugurate the National Conference of District Judiciary at Bharat Mandapam. During the programme, a special stamp and coin marking 75 years of the Supreme Court of India will also be unveiled,” PM Modi said in a post on X.
As per an official release, the two-day conference, organised by the Supreme Court of India, will host five working sessions that will deliberate and discuss the issues related to the district judiciary such as infrastructure and human resources, inclusive courtrooms for all, judicial security and judicial wellness, case management and judicial training.
The session on “Infrastructure and Human Resources” aims to explore ways to enhance the infrastructure and human capital for the district judiciary, stated the press statement issued by the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice of India Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud, and other Judges of the Supreme Court, Union MoS (Independent Charge) for Law & Justice Arjun Ram Meghwal, Attorney General of India R Venkataramani, President of Supreme Court Bar Association Kapil Sibal and Chairman of Bar Council of India Manan Kumar Mishra will also participate in the inaugural programme.